
September 27, 2011

I don’t know how many times I’ve blogged about how pissed it makes me when I see a pregnant lady acting all important and needy for the seat on an mrt.

You already have FREE enlarged boobs from your pregnancy. What more do you fucking want?!

You come into a packed train, with your fucking mid-riff barrel, looking around for a seat to rest yourself and righteously use your fucking iPhone.

The old lady who boarded the train one stop before you turns around and looks at you and complains that people don’t give up seats. And by old, I mean probably 50+. And she’s really complaining because she doesn’t have a seat and not cos you’re royalty and she feels bad you have to stand.

So a guy next to you wants to act all macho and gentlemanly and nice and all that crap, so he taps the man on the reserved seat so that he would unwillingly give up his seat to you. And after you sit down you give the whole world a fucking black face and act like you’re the biggest thing in the world. In fact you are quite large. In the very literal sense.

I just don’t understand why these ladies get so pissed at everyone. Just freaking take a cab or hire a chaffeur if you don’t want to risk getting a miscarriage. I really don’t understand why a mistake on your part with your spouse empowered you with pomp.

You’re so annoying I don’t know why someone had a baby with you. Yuck. You disgust me.

Protected: Monday

September 26, 2011

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Still alive, but I wish I really didn’t have to do anything tomorrow. Why can’t we work 2 days a week and the rest of the 5 are rest days? Or like days for us to fulfill our little ambitions/aspirations? To fly kite, do 1000 jumping jacks, or just to sleep for 24 hours straight? Not fair right. Sigh we work too much.

Shall not talk about work here cos I’m not supposed to. But that’s all I do these days besides eating and sleeping and watching tv.

Monday is over but the rest of the week is still not… Can’t wait to be done with my internship then it’s FREEDOMMMMMMMMMM


September 18, 2011

today is sunday 😦 really don’t wish to go to work tomorrow. i miss going to school because i can choose to not turn up for school and the consequences won’t be drastic in any sense. the most that will happen is missing out on some information. it’s like 5 more months. okay la hor… 5 months only. just 5 months and 4 reports.

all i can say is, i can’t wait to club again!


September 13, 2011

I must be becoming a little man-crazy. I dreamt my boyfriend was that really hot (but not so good looking guy) omg made me dream please! Haha when I woke up I was like… Ah fuck.

But it’s not very good to become man-crazy. Every lesbo that I know personally was once man-crazy. Well not every, about 50%. But thats bad I could go either way!!!!!!!

I seriously hate working life because it is repetitive and unless you have friends at work, the day is particularly hard to get by, especially after lunch. And it doesn’t help if you eat less during lunch because you just feel hungry and restless and would turn to snacking. Thank goodness I haven’t let myself buy any junk food into the office. And the pantry is full of mooncake, of which I am already sick of. I think I only had one slice one time and that was it… Something sick about eating from the pantry cos it really makes you a part of the organization. Don’t want that to happen to me man!

I really need the pay to come in faster cos there are really a lot of things I would like to get! They are essential! I need a lot of clothes I can wear to work, because having new clothes to wear everyday, or at least every Monday, will give you the motivation to wake up and prepare for work.

I am going to take a nap now, bye


September 12, 2011

haha i brought some work home to do, and i am surprised i actually spent some time on it and i feel a little bit better.

work is getting quite tough and stressful. i hope i really do well this internship, if not i can kiss my dreams of entering a university next year goodbye.

hope everyone’s having a better time than me! i’m going to watch taiwan dramas now woohoo

Protected: VCR

September 10, 2011

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You called?

September 10, 2011

I had a dream… I don’t know what to make of the dream. You sent me many photo albums and wrote me poems. You sort of said you still loved me, but I didn’t seem like I did anymore.

The thing is the photo albums were really interesting. Some were totally just my imagination, they didn’t really happen. And some were things that I have forgotten/overlooked.

I know I shouldn’t think so much about you anymore but what can I do when you just appear in my dreams?

I hate being so worried over you. Just want to get out of this weird place. Hate it. ARGH!!!!!!!!


September 5, 2011

i just called to say hello, hear your voice and thrive on that
want to see you again, collapse into your warm embrace
i want your lover’s spit, want that familiar scent to engulf me

want to be killed in your arms; to die happy
want to feel your heart beating against my chest
i am incomplete i can’t carry on
till you properly say goodbye and i can move along

maybe the only way to recover
is if one of us stop living –
preferably me then i’ll stop dreaming

i’m knackered but i don’t want out
unhappy but not willing to give up
the memory of beautiful moments

i’m slipping into this slumber
i might not wake up
the angels are working
they’re helping me out

goodnight …
i miss you so much
this love will keep burning
even if eternity has passed


September 4, 2011

Life is pretty uninteresting at the moment and maybe this is why I’m always feeling so tired and I laze around like a sloth in the summer.

Everyday it’s just work, home, work, home, (Shihwee and Ana you can imagine me doing the actions while saying that) and it’s really not an exciting life at all.

I now realize how I have nobody to hangout with on weekends. I never felt this way before because I always work on weekends and on Sunday I go to my granny’s place. And now it’s just like two full days of lazing around and not really doing anything except being an expert couch potato.

The highlights of my week were
1) delivery at the office
2) learning German words while using the software made in Germany
3) walking from my workspace to the toilet

The lulls in my week
1) cars2
2) queuing for h&m, getting clothes, queuing for the fitting room, then queuing to pay at the cashier

With that being said, all the best to my girls who are starting internship tmr ❤ see you all after I get my paycheck and then we can pop some bottles in da ice